New Offerings from Southern Hospitality - Retail Products

We offer a very wide selection of Wholesale Promotional Products to meet your advertising needs. We now are beginning to offer some Retail Products that you may find of interest as well. We offer the same friendly customer service and quality that we have established in the last fifteen years. Our initial offerrings are Luffa Soap. Exfoliating and either Olive oil or Goat Milk based soaps. The links take you to our Retail Division - Craneberry Luffa Soap.

Or Click following link for the Craneberry Luffa Soap ( website

A small selection of available retail products is shown below. Have questions or concerns? Call 706-374-0710 or Text 706-258-7041 and we will be happy to assist you in selecting the best product for you.

Retail Products - Luffa Soap
Call 706-374-0710 or Text 706-258-7041 for Assistance