Promotional Custom Printed Pens

Custom printed pens make an advertising impression. Everyone uses a pen at some point during the day. Why not give them one to promote your cause. All pens can be personalized for gifts, personal parties, business & other promotional use. All our pens are imprinted in USA. These standard pens come in many different colors. You can imprint with text, with logos or other artwork.

Facebook Customized Advertising Products on Facebook

Pens are a great way for people to remember you. 99% of our U.S. population have seen a promotional personalized pen. Whether you choose a personalized click pen, a color changing mood pen or the old-fashioned stick pen, these pens are at great prices. These pens are an economical way to advertise. We are happy to be one of the major pen printing companies to bring promotional pens to your church or business.

We custom design pens for Political, Christian, Missionary, Ministry, Church, Business and other promotional needs. Christian pens are an inexpensive way to advertise your church, missionary or ministry. All are available at wholesale prices!

Call 706-374-0710 or Text 706-258-7041 for Customer Service, Design Assistance and a FREE Quote. We have many years of experience ready to assist you.

For logos and other artwork, add an additional $25.

Personalized pens are inexpensive advertising that everyone uses.

Custom Printed Promotional Pens - Pricing

Quantity Personalized Pens 250 500 1,000 2,500 Setup Fee
Halcyon Click Pen (Tariff Target) $0.92 $0.85 $0.77 $0.72 $25.00
MicroHalt Click Pen $0.88 $0.78 $0.72 $0.68
Mardi Gras Grip Pen (Tariff Target) $0.79 $0.69 $0.60 $0.56
Ventura Grip Pen (Tariff Target) $0.86 $0.76 $0.66 $0.59
Mood Click Pen/Stylus (Tariff Target) $1.11 $1.04 $1.00 $0.93

Prices above are for 1-color imprint. USA pricing. Contact us for Canadian pricing.


Halcyon Click Pen

Halcyon Click Pen

Item #15140-AR

*Potential price increase without notice due to tariffs. Contact us for current pricing.

Sleek rubberized, soft-touch barrel. Retractable pen with chrome accents. Pen colors are available in Red, Blue, Purple, Black, Lime Green, Orange. Medium point ink available with black ink only.

MicroHalt Click Pen

MicroHalt Click Pen

Item #11810-AR

White barrels with color accents. Manufactured with an Antimicrobial additive which fights bacteria growth on the product’s surface. Neutralizes over 99% of active bacteria on product's surface. Additive does not wear off and remains effective for the life of the product. Pen trim colors are available in Red, Green, Purple, Black, Lt. Blue, Dk. Blue. Medium point ink available with black ink only.

Mardi Gras Grip Pen

Mardi Gras Grip Pen

Item #15610-AR

*Potential price increase without notice due to tariffs. Contact us for current pricing.

This pen will brighten your advertising with the translucent barrels and matching textured grip. Pen colors are translucent pink, translucent blue, translucent red, translucent green, translucent orange or translucent purple. Medium point ink cartridges are available with black or blue ink. (If ink color is not specified, black will be supplied.)

Ventura Grip Pen

Ventura Grip Pen

Item #15640-AR

*Potential price increase without notice due to tariffs. Contact us for current pricing.

This pen has chrome accents and colorful rubber grips. Silver barrel with your choice of trim colors in purple, red, lime green, blue, orange or pink. Medium point ink cartridge available with black ink only.

Mood Click Pen Stylus

Mood Click Stylus Pen

Item #16030-AR

*Potential price increase without notice due to tariffs. Contact us for current pricing.

Barrels change color with the heat of your hand. Color changes best ot room temperature. Stylus tip on top of plunger. Narrow stylus for more control. Mood colors: green to yellow, orange to yellow, blue to white, purple to pink, tropical red to orange. Imprint area: 1-1/8" wide x 3/16" high. Medium point ink cartridge is available in black only.


Promotional Pens Product Details

Standard Imprint Colors: Black, white, red, light blue, medium blue, dark blue, light green, medium green, dark green, brown, purple, yellow, teal, maroon, orange, gold, or silver.

Most pens are available for full-color custom imprint. Contact us for your needs, pricing and customer service.

Claims Statement: MicroHalt products each have an EPA registered antimicrobial agent incorporated into the plastic that protects the item itself by suppressing growth of bacteria. The EPA master label for the registered additive states that the antimicrobial agent is approved for inclusion into the polymers from which the products are manufactured for protection of those products themselves. The antimicrobial properties do not protect users or others against bacteria, viruses, germs or other disease organisms. For more information on U.S. regulations on antimicrobial agents and treated products, visit Shipping to Canada is restricted.

For more pens, be sure to check out our additional styles below:

We also offer many personalized pencil designs as another writing instrument option:

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